與韓旭老師同遊英文學習之旅:持續探索英語的奇妙世界 Journeying Through English Learning with Teacher Han Xu: Continuously Exploring the Wondrous World of English








I primarily take English classes to learn spoken English and be able to express myself fluently. After trying out several options, I finally chose to learn English with Teacher Han. In my English learning journey with Teacher Han Xu, every class feels like an enlightening journey, full of surprises and insights. Teacher Han not only has rich teaching experience but also integrates his passion and professionalism into every lesson, making him an admirable master of English education.

Firstly, Teacher Han Xu's teaching method is ingenious. He not only enriches the teaching with his extensive international travel experience, incorporating Western culture into the lessons, but also makes learning enjoyable through lively and engaging methods, allowing me to experience endless fun in learning. His meticulous lesson planning ensures that I benefit greatly from each class, from basic pronunciation to advanced oral expression, all of which are the fruits of his dedicated teaching.

Secondly, Teacher Han's level of professionalism is unmatched. He has a very standard American pronunciation, and through his detailed guidance, I have not only improved my pronunciation accuracy but also enhanced my confidence in oral expression. Under his guidance, I have gained a deep understanding of the logical structure of English sentences, learning how to construct sentences fluently and thoughtfully, rather than mechanically repeating or imitating.

Additionally, Teacher Han Xu's teaching is flexible and versatile, always closely related to real life. Combining his many years of rich business experience, he integrates classroom content with real-life scenarios, enabling me to not only improve my English proficiency but also acquire practical communication skills. He teaches not only language but also the art of thinking and expression, benefiting greatly from every interaction with him.

Lastly, Teacher Han Xu's teaching is full of humanity and warmth. With his friendly attitude and abundant patience, he guides me to constantly break through myself, finding confidence and courage in class. His teaching not only teaches me English but also inspires me to love and explore life.

Overall, the English learning journey with Teacher Han Xu is a journey full of gratitude, luck, and surprises. I highly recommend Teacher Han's English course to all students eager to improve their English skills. His teaching will definitely help you make greater progress, leading you to a more exciting life. I suggest giving it a try to experience his extraordinary teaching skills, which will refresh you on your journey of learning English!

I have been learning English with Teacher Han for a while, but I am still continuing my learning journey with him. I believe that under Teacher Han's patient guidance and tailored teaching, my English skills will continue to improve. I am deeply impressed by Teacher Han's excellence and am eager to recommend Teacher Han's English course to those who are eager to improve their English.


商務/旅游英文🌼 成人/基礎英文🌼兒童/興趣英文
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英文C2 精通級
商務/旅游英文🌼 成人/基礎英文🌼兒童/興趣英文
英文C2 精通級
🌼英文:精通(C2)🌼法文🌼德文🌼蘭州新東方英語學校成人英語口語教師 🌼2015-2023 英語家教🌼山東大學外文系英國語言文學專業畢業,文學學士🌼學校所在地:富有文化底蘊的孔子家鄉山東省濟南市(泉城)🌼2023 年獲得 CTCSOL 國際中文教師認證 工作經歷:🌼甘肅省地毯進出口公司任外銷科銷售經理兼商務英語培訓7年🌼外派美國三藩市 Longshan International Inc. 任銷售經理半年🌼外派德國漢堡 Longhan Teppich GmbH 任銷售經理2年🌼外派印度孟買 Lifa Private Holdings Co. Ltd. 任銷售經理半年

1 则留言

  • 謝謝韓旭老師,感激不盡。