I Never Thought I Would Ever Be Able To Communicate in Japanese

I have been thoroughly satisfied with my learning experience from teacher Tsuyoshi. I have always been interested in japanese culture, especially in media ever since I was a child but it was not until 2020 that I remember starting out my learning journey during the pandemic alone and finding it a leisurely, casual yet fulfilling experience. My best friend adores learning languages and so at her encouragement, this was a unique new hobby for me. Learning Japanese alone was fine for a year or so, but quickly I wanted someone to be able talk back to me especially as I was just beginning to string together basic sentences and understandings.

Eventually I summoned the courage to see if there was someone willing to teach on English - Japanese Facebook groups. Thankfully this is where I was able to meet teacher Tsuyoshi. It was very soon I accepted his offer and began taking his lessons. Initially I was unsure what level I was at and I felt that might be difficult for a teacher. However I was quickly put at ease, especially after learning he believed I was at lower intermediate level. Speaking very basic sentences was a tremendous thrill after over a year of stringing together the easiest of concepts.

I went from biweekly lessons to weekly after a few months due to my enjoyment. I am been particularly happy with the range of topics provided, whether it be seasonal or even challenging, as is the case with something I am not neccesarily interested in. It all adds up to a stronger language ability in my opinon, and I have been able to notice growth in my abilities both in the moment and in retrospect. It is truly exciting from my slow solo start. Through trial and error from submitting my homework I have come to attain a much more competent and solid grasp on Japanese grammar (Which was virtually non-existant at the time of starting the lessons.)

I feel like my foundational understanding of the Japanese language has crystalised thanks to his teaching and so I am very grateful and always look forward to our lessons. I am a pretty introverted, so the moments when I am able to hold a conversation with him in a different language feel unbelievable and I know my younger self would be proud. Because of this basic understanding I have even felt comfortable watching several movies and shows without English subtitles and though it still remains a difficult task. Depending on the content, it is possible and that is incredibly fulfilling. I hope in the future to be able to make friends in Japanese and share common interests with those people. I have already felt confident enough to comment on Facebook and Instagram posts in Japanese and it is definitely exciting to have the ability to open a dialogue with those people in their native language.

My best friend has recently started learning Japanese and I have been offering advice. I am truly excited to gain a deeper understanding in the future of the language and for what future lessons may bring me as it is definitely one of the highlights of the week.


有助於快樂的課程 中文韓文OK 中~高級會話 
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普通話A2 基礎級
英文A2 基礎級
有助於快樂的課程 中文韓文OK 中~高級會話 
普通話A2 基礎級
英文A2 基礎級
👨‍🏫榮幸和你們見面 🎤👨‍🏫聲音是NHK老師子悠思 🏘 住在廣島縣廣島市 👨‍🏫日語教師7 年經驗 ✈ 5年以上海外經驗 2014年~(🇻🇳越南3年,泰國7個月,中國2年) 👨‍🏫經驗豐富的越南技能實習生日語教學,泰國高中日語教師,中國大學日語教師 👨‍🏫私人課程有通過公司面試的記錄 👨‍🏫經驗豐富的日本研究生入學考試面試指導 LINE tsuyoshixian WECHAT tsuyoshihr007 KAKAOTALK tsuyopondaegu 讓我們和我一起享受課程並提高您的日語水平!!!

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