Learning to read Thai. ฉันเรียนภาษาไทยได้

Learning language is fun, but doing so on my own was hard. I moved to Thailand in 2004 and stayed for a few years teaching English in kindergarten. How fun it was, what an amazing life and experience. I practiced hard to speak enough Thai to show my deep respect for the culture and the people. I cherish those times and my courage to try something different on my own.
When I discovered the Thai Forest Monestary in New Hampshire that I would live near I realized that I would be surrounded by Thai people here in the USA. At first I spoke in my broken Thai language that I recalled from 15 years ago and I felt embarrassed. I knew my Thai language learning journey was to be renewed and refreshed… but how?
You know where this leads… here to Amazing Talker where my primary level oral Thai language skills has blossomed in the last year to reading and writing in a 2nd grade level. Amazing indeed. I have had so many hours of fun conversation with Kru Natt, a lovely Thai woman in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. We talk weekly in the early morning for me and for her it is late evening. I am the elder of the pair so her staying up late works out for me. We laugh and share stories of our lives in Thai. I learn from her skillful lessons great grammar and vocabulary. She always is flexible and sensitive to my needs with a personalized lesson planned just for me. Sometimes it's vocabulary and speaking practice, sometimes it's reading and comprehension. Kru Natt is always so good at not judging me or loading on the expectation. She is an exceptional teacher.
The next time I visit Thailand I will visit Kru Natt and bring her and her family offerings of my appreciation. She has helped me speak more confidently and she has helped me remember how my courage gets me to places I never thought I would go. The greatest thing is that I don’t have to do it alone.
Thanks Kru Natt and Amazing Talker for the language help.
Lindsey from California and New Hampshire


Kru Natt is my best Thai teacher -
and I found her on Amazing Talker.


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/ 體驗堂
普通話A1 入門級
英文B2 高階級
普通話A1 入門級
英文B2 高階級
🇹🇭🙏 Sawatdii Ka (你好)🙏🇹🇭 不會泰文,也能玩遍泰國! 羅馬拼音輔助,一學就會! Natt老師英語流利,能跟你輕鬆開口說! 敢講、敢說,一個人到泰國玩、做生意、學習也不怕! 現學現用,讓你輕鬆跟泰國人聊起話來!快跟Natt老師一起學習📌 關於Natt老師: 🔖泰國人|標準中部口音|帶你打好泰文基礎| 跟著母語人士學習,讓你的發音比別人更標準! 🔖英文流利|英文或泰文授課都沒問題! 🔖擁有5 +年的教學經驗|全職泰文教師 |最懂你的困難 🔖泰國電影|連續劇|音樂|你喜歡的主題我幫你客製化 🔖找到適合您的學習方式|幫助您實現目標|到泰國真輕鬆 🔖Natt老師 上課風格愉快、沈穩、健談,讓你不停的說泰文|讓你忘了時間

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